Thursday, 13 October 2016

Making Life simpler

I haven't been on for a while here. So apologies, but I fully intend to write regularly again.
Part of the reason I haven't been here is because I was making this blog too complicated with trying to put a new recipe up each time and that was too time consuming. However I will still put up recipes so never fear.

My mojo has disappeared, I have looked everywhere and I can't find it, its not in the fridge, cupboard or anywhere in my house. I thought I saw it briefly on Monday at my weight watchers class, but it got away.

This year has been so up and down weight wise sometimes you just want to give up, I really feel like giving up! But then I know if I give up, that's it, I'll never lose my weight. I'm going on 42 at the end of the year and I want to lose this excess weight once and for all. What I need is a plan.

My Current plan for this week is to track my food better but my plan for the next 2 months before Christmas is this beautiful dress I bought earlier on in the year, it nearly fit me at the time but sure I've put up since then. So I want to lose a stone before Christmas and that is why if I make it public here I'm accountable to you all, whether you like it or

The Dress, photo doesn't do it justice but the diamantes at the neckline are gorgeous. 

Still haven't found that Mojo but that's ok, while I'm waiting for it to come back, I'll keep on going, I'll keep going to class, keep going with healthy meals, keep going with blogging and then we'll see if Mojo returns soon.